Mobile Phone Policy

This policy is intended to be read by participants and their parents prior to any DofE expedition. Failing to adhere to the policy by either a participant or parent could result in the expedition being cancelled for that participant or their group.


One of the aims of the expedition section in DofE is to develop self-reliance and self-confidence through isolation and remote supervision, overcoming challenges and managing risk as an independent team of peers. (DofE Expedition Guide)

While mobile phones can be useful, they can also be very detrimental to the aims outlined above. Conversely having time away from screens has huge benefits for the participants. The limited battery life on a phone can cause great distress if the device is being relied on by the participant or their group. The following points give an outline as to acceptable and unacceptable use of phones during both practice and assessed expeditions.

Acceptable use of phones by participants:

  • Use of the camera for means of recording information relevant to the expedition’s aim.

  • Use of the alarm feature if necessary.

  • Use of the clock for the time, though it is recommended that participants wear a watch (not a smartwatch).

  • Use of the phone for medical purposes, eg for monitoring blood glucose levels.

  • To contact the supervisor on an occasional basis, for instance to let them know that the group is delayed, or to inform them of an incident which is being managed by the group.

  • In an emergency to contact supervising staff or the emergency services only.

  • In an emergency the use of a location app (eg OS Locate) to give a grid reference can be used, but this must not be routine and if a group relies on this, then they are not sufficiently competent in their navigation to pass the section.

Other than in an emergency, the phone should be on flight mode with all location services switched off. The group could consider using only one phone per day as a team and keeping all other devices switched off to preserve their battery.

Unacceptable use of phones by participants:

  • Using GPS or mapping apps to navigate.

  • Updating social media.

  • Contacting anyone outside the group (including parents), other than the expedition supervisor or emergency services.

  • Playing music in a manner that is against the spirit of the Countryside Code or isolating an individual from their team. (The only time that it might be acceptable to play music is if it is essential for the expedition purpose and causes no disturbance for anyone outside the expedition group).

A note for parents:

  • Please do not expect to hear from your daughter for the duration of the expedition. No news is good news! Equally, please do not attempt to contact your daughter. In our experience, receiving a well-intentioned message can occasionally cause increased distress in participants should they already be feeling slightly homesick.

  • Please do not track your daughter – their location services will be off anyway (as above).

  • If there is a need for us to contact you, then the expedition supervisor, or senior member of RHS staff will contact the number held on our system unless you inform us prior to the expedition to contact a different person if you are unavailable.

  • If you urgently need to contact your daughter, please contact the expedition supervisor, whose number will have been made available to you. Note that supervisors may be out of signal or unable to answer their phones, for instance if driving.